Are You Seeking More Peace and Balance?

Are You Seeking More Peace and Balance In Your Life?

Peace And Balance Are Up To You

The words peace and balance come up in my office frequently. It seems that many of you are seeking this way of living, but are struggling with how to bring these qualities to the forefront of your experience. A book I refer to often, “Breaking Free from the Victim Trap,” contains my favorite saying: “You are 100% responsible for what you create in your life.” How might you create more peace and balance for yourself? What are the obstacles that seem to be in your way?

Identifying The Obstacles

For me, when I feel out of touch with peace and balance, my life seems overwhelming, exhausting, and unmanageable. It is as though I am buried under a large pile of rocks and its difficult from that vantage point to see the potential for a different experience. Do you ever feel this way?
Are you running from one activity to the next, with no room for error or interruption? Do you feel overrun by responsibilities that you feel obligated to uphold? Are you surrounded by people in your life who seem to always need something from you? Do you wonder how you are ever going to find time for you? Are you struggling with a desire to escape and using numbing agents like food, shopping, drama, alcohol or other substances? Do you hear yourself sounding irritable or overrun with resentments? These are clues that a breakdown in the relationship with yourself has occurred and you are calling for attention from the one and only person who can help – Y.O.U.

Clearing The Obstacles

The key to creating peace, balance, and manageability in your life is being mindful of what is truly important. As you identify what is important, you illuminate the clues to what needs shifting in your life. What is truly important to you? What is it that you may need to release in order to create more space for you?
Give yourself a moment to really check in here. Close your eyes and take 2-3 deep breaths. As you open them, allow yourself to ponder the following questions: Is my life manageable? Do I feel balanced? Do I feel gratitude and excitement for the blessings in my life? What am I grateful for? What might I be doing if I did not have “xyz” on my to-do list? Where in my life am I feeling overwhelmed? Who or what creates a feeling of resentment within me? To whom or what am I feeling most obligated that undermines my desire to participate in the relationship or activity? Where do I feel most out of control in my life? Where do I need support? What do I really want?

Be Honest With Yourself And Get Clear About What You Want

I provide all of these questions rather than a list of “answers” in the form of yet another article outlining “the top 5 ways to create peace and balance in your life.” Because the truth is, you will not find the answer outside of yourself. The answer will come to you naturally if you earnestly and humbly participate in this type of self-inquiry.
Deep down, if you are willing to be 100% honest with yourself and also claim 100% responsibility for what you are creating in your life, you will know what needs to be done to bring in more peace, balance, and manageability. (Hint: The word “NO” will be used more frequently). It doesn’t mean you are going to like everything that you discover, but I promise you that getting back in touch with your own inner knowing, listening to and honoring it, and gently removing one rock at a time, the freedom and relief you will feel out from underneath that pile of seeming obstacles will be completely worth it! You are worth this effort! And if you need support along the way, that is what I am here for!
Feel free to contact me anytime via email, phone call, or text message. If it is time for you to schedule a session for yourself, I look forward to hearing from you! And please share this with anyone whom you feel might benefit from the message.

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