The Grass Isn’t Greener With Divorce, But It IS a Different Yard

For those of you who have ever contemplated or gone through with a divorce, you may have heard yourself or someone else utter the phrase “the grass isn’t always greener.” I recently heard myself share with a client, “the grass isn’t greener with divorce, but it is a different yard,” and I realized it might be … Read more

Working Through Life’s Transitions: 5 Stages of Grief

A couple of weeks ago, my family lost a wonderful man. He served many roles in his life, and was always very kind and generous with me as he and I entered my former husband’s family at the same time, 20 years ago. For me, the most dear role that he played was that of my son’s grandfather. They … Read more

How Do You Choose to Live?

How do you choose to live? Do you live in fear? Do you live in awe? Do you live in the past or the future? Do you live in curiosity? Do you remember that you have the ability to choose what you focus on and how you participate in each day? Sometimes just this remembering … Read more

Dating after Divorce: The New 90-Day Rule

dating after divorce

Dating After Divorce: The New 90-Day Rule Dating after divorce. This is a topic that comes up in my office frequently. After a divorce or break-up from a long-term relationship, dating can seem daunting, exciting, confusing, overwhelming, fun, and scary all at the same time. If dating is nothing else, it is certainly a trial … Read more

Distractions vs. Self-Care

One of my primary messages in therapy is that of taking care of yourself, otherwise known as “self-care.” We talk a lot about developing a self-care practice and resourcing tools within yourself to pull on strengths and behaviors when times get tough. This is particularly useful when you are in a major life-transition, experiencing a … Read more

Anniversaries as Markers of Healing

Have you ever noticed that you are more sad or moody at certain times of the year? Upon reflection, I often ask my clients if that time of year represents the anniversary of a significant loss or transition in their lives. Typically there is an association.  As well, for those of you currently going through … Read more

Kids & Divorce: The Big Talk

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Kids & Divorce: The Big Talk How do we talk to our kids about the divorce? This is a question that thoughtful parents all over the world consistently ask and need a concrete answer to. Divorce is not something your children choose or have a say in. It is something that happens to them. Just … Read more