Is There A Connection Between Codependency and Narcissism

You may have seen a lot of information floating around about how codependency and narcissism interact. These terms are two completely separate concepts that feed off and play into one another. When two individuals come together with these traits, a toxic cycle emerges.

Navigating the Empty Nest: As a Therapist and as a Mom

What do you do with yourself when your only child or last remaining child gets ready to leave home and then flies away? After your brief celebration of the new found freedom that comes with a childless house and nobody but yourself to take care of, you may have other feelings that arise. And these … Read more

Avoiding Soul Betrayal: Listen to and Follow Your Soul’s Calling

“I feel like I will betray my Soul…”

I recently had a thought pop out of my mouth that has stuck with me from a recent conversation: “I feel like I will betray my Soul.” In this conversation that thought was in reference to a dream I have had of writing a book and that dream repeatedly going on the back burner of my life.

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Building a Conscious Relationship: It Begins with You

self love

Building a Conscious Relationship From the Inside Out: It Begins with Y.O.U. HOW DO YOU KNOW IT’S TIME FOR A CONSCIOUS RELATIONSHIP? “Comes the Dawn”  ~Veronica Shorffstall, 1971 After a while you learn the subtle difference Between holding a hand and chaining a soul, And you learn that love doesn’t mean leaning And company doesn’t … Read more

Integrity: Are You In?

The word “integrity” comes up in my office all the time. It is the word that comes up when your life from the outside does not match up with what you are thinking, feeling, believing and knowing on the inside. Sometimes it looks so different that trying to manage this dissonance becomes increasingly unmanageable. So … Read more

Do Your Best (and take it easy)

It occurred to me a few weeks ago during a particularly overwhelming week, that the pressure I was feeling was self-inflicted. It was not required or necessary for life to continue. However, many times it is only in retrospect that I come to this conclusion. After I have suffered and beaten myself up and entertained … Read more

Control is an Illusion: I Surrender!

As I make my pilgrimmage home from The Wellness Institute in Seattle, Washington and another full weekend of learning, training, and personal expansion, I am once again reminded that I do not control the Universe. Do you forget that too sometimes? Riding in an airplane, especially through times of moderate to severe turbulence, is an … Read more

3 Steps to Live the Life of Your Dreams

Have you ever wondered how you are going to take your life to the next level? Asked yourself why some people seem to “have it all” and others just stay stuck? It takes reflection, work, dedication, and commitment, but once you get clear, the doors will open and you will find yourself floating easily downstream … Read more