
Top 2 Secrets for a Healthy Relationship

Okay, I won’t hold the suspense. The two secrets to a healthy relationship are: 1) tell the truth; and 2) be you.  Sounds simple, right? However, this is one of the most common conversations I have in my office each day. Why do we struggle with this so much? Why do we throw ourselves under … Read more

Meditating at Home? Just Sit Down.

This answer was given to me by one of my teachers when asked about a home meditation practice.  “Just sit down and begin,” she said, “the rest will take care of itself.”  Pretty Zen, huh? Well, in her infinite wisdom, she is correct.  Nothing begins until we start and with meditation we must sit down. … Read more

Anniversaries as Markers of Healing

Have you ever noticed that you are more sad or moody at certain times of the year? Upon reflection, I often ask my clients if that time of year represents the anniversary of a significant loss or transition in their lives. Typically there is an association.  As well, for those of you currently going through … Read more

Kids & Divorce: The Big Talk

kids 7 divorce

Kids & Divorce: The Big Talk How do we talk to our kids about the divorce? This is a question that thoughtful parents all over the world consistently ask and need a concrete answer to. Divorce is not something your children choose or have a say in. It is something that happens to them. Just … Read more